Büyülü Ağaç

  • Yazan / Yöneten

    Cengiz Özek

  • Sahne Süresi

    35 Dakika

Cengiz Özek

Büyülü Ağaç

18. ve 19. yüzyıl oyunlarından yola çıkarak hazırlanmış yepyeni ve dinamik bir oyun. Klasik bir Karagöz oyununda görebileceğimiz her ayrıntıyı bu oyunda da bulabiliyoruz. Özellikle Karagöz oyunlarının Şamanizm etkisi altındaki özelliklerini epik bir yorumla bir araya getiren bu gösteri hareket ağırlıklı olarak planlandı. Yani söz en az seviyede kullanılıyor. Karagöz’ün otantik çalgıları ‘nareke’ ve ‘def’, oyunun örgüsü içinde dramatik gerilimi sağlamak üzere etkin bir biçimde yer aldı. Otantik bir Karagöz oyunu hakkında genel bir fikir edinmek istiyorsak mutlaka bu oyunu izlemeliyiz.

Ayrıca oyunun çevre kirliliğini konu alan iskeleti, günümüz dünya sorunlarına değinmesinden dolayı, seyirci ile kurduğu sessiz iletişimindeki başarı oyunun dünya sahnelerinde sık sık yer almasına olanak sağladı. 10 yıldır repertuarımızda olan ‘Büyülü Ağaç’ bugüne kadar 500’den fazla gösteri yaptı.

Technical Information
Magic Tree
Group Details
Group members: 2
−Cengiz Özek (Performer)
Accomodation details: 2 single rooms
Performance Details
Written, directed and performed by: Cengiz Özek
Age group: 7+
Viewers: 50 – 150 persons (the smaller audience the better)
Most important: Location must be completely dark!
Play duration: 40 min
Montage: 1 hour
Demontage: 30 min
Scene: 2.5m*2.5m*2.5m
– 100watt table lamp (we arrange)
– 1 x 1000watt profile spot light (colour: amber gelatin)
– 1 x extension cord for lamp(long enough to reach center stage)
– 1 shirt clip microphone for the shadow player (not head-set because it comes in the way
of the “nareke” which resembles a kazoo)
– 1 normal microphone on tripod for the tambourine.
– Necessary sound equipment.
– 1 Chair
– 2 x 10kg stage weight or something small and heavy to hold the shadow screen, so it
doesn’t fall.
Note: Play can also be performed outside, but the area must be completely dark,
therefore during night. Scene can be put directly on floor. If a platform will be put it needs
to be 4m*4m. Height changes from location to location.


Traditional Turkish shadow theatre, which is called Karagöz, comes from the Ottoman Empire, which today is Turkey. The art form is generally agreed to exist from early 17th century. Karagöz is also the name of the main character and his best friend is Hacivat. These two characters are together in every play. Because this is traditional Turkish shadow theatre, the language spoken is naturally Turkish. To make it easier to understand the adventure of Karagöz and Hacivat here is a short summary of Magic Tree.

Summary of Magic Tree:

Hacivat appears and calls Karagöz. They have their usual fight. Then Hacivat tells him that he has problems with his irresponsible servant, Mercan, and wishes Karagöz to educate him. After the servant comes, Karagöz tells him that he is too old to be disciplined by another man. Mercan says that they should play a game so that he didn’t come all the way for nothing.

After a short discussion Karagöz agrees. Mercan tells him to lie down and play dead. The servant now asks Karagöz a silly question, “How many kilos did you die?” Every time Karagöz guesses the incorrect number he is brutally beaten. In the end Karagöz pulls himself together and beats the servant back. The servant angrily puts a curse on Karagöz, and a magical and evil tree appears in front of Karagöz’ house. And then… to see what happens next, enjoy the show…

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